To allow Sunreport to access the plant data reported on the Sunny Portal and ennesOX websites of SMA, the plant owner must enable access.

The email of the owner must be assigned to the plant to be monitored because an automatic email will be sent to him/her to request authorization. There is no restriction on the email address to be entered.

The steps to follow are automatic.

If the owner has not yet been assigned to the plant, access the portal to assign it.
For example, in Sunny Portal, it is necessary to
select the plant > user management > user
and activate the “plant owner” checkbox.

Once this is done:

  1. In Sunreport, select the plant
  2. Click on Plant settings > Connected devices > Add new > SMA
  3. Enter the owner’s email here and click on send request
  4. The owner will receive an email from SMA and will have to click on a button to authorize data reading
  5. Once authorized, select the SMA device in Sunreport to activate it:
    plant > connected devices > SMA > settings
    and click on Activate