Huawei - Fusionsolar

To allow Sunreport to access the data of the systems reported on Huawei’s Fusionsolar site, it is necessary to enable automatic access to the application (i.e., enable the APIs, Application Programming Interface).

Only the administrator of an installer account can request the APIs. It cannot be done from a user account (provided by the installer).
However, it is possible to create your own Fusionsolar account (installer registration from the login page indicated below) and add the inverters by knowing the type, model, and serial number.

To create the key:

  1. Access Fusion Solar ( ).
  2. From the main panel, go to System > Enterprise Management.
  3. In the Enterprise Management section, select Northbound Management and click on Add to create the API account (add button on the right).
  4. In the new window:
    1. Fill in the fields marked with a red asterisk. Note the chosen userid and password. In the Associated account box, enter an administrator or installer user previously created in the User Management section.
    2. Select the company that manages the systems (the main account) by clicking on the first box in the Select company/plants list and clicking on the arrow. Then, select all the plants you want to monitor and click on the arrow. This will fill in the two areas Selected company and Selected plants.
    3. Grant the permissions: click on the Basic API switch.
  5. In Sunreport:
    1. Select the plant and select Plant settings > Connected devices > Add new > Huawei
    2. Enter the chosen userid and password from step 4.1.
    3. Select the needed plant from the list of Huawei’s plants that appears.
    4. Click on Activate