Huawei - Fusionsolar

To allow Sunreport to access the plant data reported on Huawei’s Fusionsolar site, it is necessary to enable the application’s automatic access (i.e., enable the API, Application Programming Interface).

Only the Administrator account is capable of making the API account request.

  1. Log in to Fusion Solar (
  2. From the main panel, go to System > Company Management.
  3. In the Company Management section, select Northbound Management and click on Add to create the API account (Add button to the right).
  4. In the new window, fill in the fields marked with a red asterisk. Take note of the userid and password you chose.
  5. Turn on all the buttons in all rows. In the first row, Plant List, select the plants to which you want to grant access or the company (first box on the left) to grant access to all.
  6. In Sunreport, select the plant,
    Plant Settings > Connected Devices > Add New > Huawei
    and enter the userid and password chosen at point 4.

Here is a Huawei tutorial:

FusionSolar SmartPVMS Create a Northbound API Account