
To allow Sunreport to access the data of the plants listed on the Solarman website, you need to authorize Sunreport to read the data and enter the plant IDs in Sunreport.

In detail:

  1. Go to Solarman Global Pro
  2. Select one or more plants from the box on the left of the plant list
  3. Click the “Authorize” button at the bottom
  4. Click on Authorize Business Unit > Business > Search for an already entered business account
    Type Sunreport, click on the magnifying glass, select Sunreport, and save (top right)
  5. In Sunreport select the plant and click on
    Plant Settings > Connected Devices > Add New > Solarman
    and enter the plant ID you want to sync data for. The plant ID in Solarman is the number after “ID” found in the plant data (the tab that opens after selecting it) in the top left, next to the name.
  6. Click Activate